Parent Center
The Mission of the Parent and Family Engagement Department of Brownsville Independent School District is to educate parents by providing them with the skills and tools necessary to motivate their children to obtain academic success and become productive, self-driven citizens in a multi-cultural society.
La misión del Departamento de Participacion de Padres y Familias del Distrito Independiente de Brownsville es la de educar a los padres proporcionándoles las herramientas y destrezas necesarias para motivar a sus hijos a obtener el éxito académico y que lleguen a ser ciudadanos auto-suficientes y productivos en unasociedad multi-cultural.
Parent Liaison
Mr. Guillermo Vega
(956) 544-4747
- Title I Parent Family Engagement Policy
English | Spanish - Volunteers
English | Spanish | Volunteer Application - Parents Quick Reference Guide
English | Spanish - Home Access Center
English | Spanish - Parent Family Engagement Meeting Dates
- Parents Student Compact English | Spanish
- COVID 19
- Breeden Honor Roll School 2021